Monday, February 11, 2019

A Thought on Marriage...and life

I was listening to a podcast recently where Chuck Swindoll said, "Live in such a way that when you die your spouse mourns your loss more than anything or anyone else."  That was a powerful thought for me.  Think about it.  What/Who will mourn the most when you die?  Maybe it is your spouse, and if so, that is a good thing, but maybe it is your boss at work, or your golf clubs, or your favorite football team?  What/who will mourn the most when you die?
I shared the quote that day with two men and they had very different reactions.  One said, "I sure hope that is true", indicating that it was absurd for that to not happen, and the other responded with a more sobering comment, "Wow, I wonder if that is true?"
The quote is a challenge to all of us to invest most significantly in the things that should matter the most.  Maybe for you that is your marriage- because you are married, but maybe you are not married.  Whichever it is, make sure that you are living your life on point, investing in the things that matter and not just the things that scream for your attention.

How do I Pray?

I was challenged this morning to think about how I pray?  Samuel Chadwick said, "Prayer is not a collection of balanced phrases, it is ...